So do you have any measurable results from your architecture work at Fidelity you can share with us at all?
Sure. I would say those results are more in terms of efficiency, efficiency. They are not tangible in terms of cost or numbers. You can't put numbers on them. However, when you improve the quality or you speed up the trust between the teams, and providing artifacts that people trust, for example, that increase the speed of the business and the change, actually.
So I would say in terms of measurable results, the first one is the fact that we have captured all the process workarounds, whenever something goes wrong, what people actually do when a system goes off. Actually, all those things have been captured now into the erwin too. And people can refer to that whenever there is an issue. For business continuity or any other purpose, they can always refer to that repository.
This repository is now trusted because we do some cyclical review. And we make a semi sign off and say, has anything changed in the past six months? Has anything changed in the past 12 months? Has anything changed? And people work with us to actually do those things.
And you can see also in terms of measurable results is that, as I was saying earlier, in terms of training, all the newcomers in the different teams are using these tools--
For onboarding.
--onboarding. The fact also that we can extract everything that is in erwin into Word documents, so people don't have to go into the system actually to do manipulate [INAUDIBLE].
So using some of our Word generation products--
Absolutely. Word generation products help, as well, to really, really communicate at a very fast pace whatever is in there. So for people who are system averse, you give them that document and they're quite happy with that. And they can actually use that for workshops and things like that.
So it's become a go to place for the operation and division. It has now worked through different business areas, I would say. So that's another achievement, as well. Because we started with retail ops. Now we go to pensions. And we're going to retail seat now.
So it's growing.
It's expanding in products and it's expanding geographically, as well, on different locations. So that is a measurable result in terms of winning trust. I haven't seen a lot of cooperation because people tend to do the work in their own area, in silos. When you see that people work with us to make sure that they understand things the same way, that's a very significant result for senior management because they can see that all the dots are joined through the teams and through that tool.
And you're standardizing [INAUDIBLE].
Absolutely. And this is how we win more sponsorship from the senior management by saying, you know what? Let's make this tool even better. Let's invest to change the user experience, make the navigation more easy and fix it up.