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Speed data product delivery from model to marketplace with erwin

Model, develop and deliver data products faster with erwin® by Quest. By uniting data modeling, data catalog automation and governance, and a consumer-friendly data marketplace, erwin shortens your time from model to marketplace and makes it easy for all in your enterprise to take advantage of high-value, governed data products.
Speeding Data Product Delivery with erwin: from Model to Marketplace 42:23
Model data products

Model data products

Develop a data product blueprint with erwin Data Modeler by Quest. erwin enables you to structurally collect business requirements and design conceptual, logical and physical data models of your data product. Modeling data products produces uniform definitions, descriptions and sensitive data information that can all be used throughout data product curation and governance.
Map and profile data products

Map and profile data products

Once modeled, leverage data modeling information to jumpstart the mapping of your data product inside erwin Data Intelligence by Quest. Generate source-to-target data mappings, ETL code to gather data and automate data lineage. Leverage data catalog metadata to automate data profiling and generate associated data quality scores.
Govern data products

Govern data products

Take advantage of erwin Data Intelligence data stewardship and governance capabilities to further enrich, curate and govern your data product. Add organizational context to tie it back to business value, and ensure alignment with sensitive data classifications, related business policies and governance guidance.
Shop data products

Shop data products

When ready, make governed data products easy to find, understand and gain access to for all data consumers. erwin Data Marketplace provides one location to shop, share and compare data products, datasets and AI models. Automated data value scoring, side-by-side comparisons, social reviews, automated workflows and more will help your users find the best fit for their purpose and gain needed access quickly.

Get started now

Learn more about how erwin by Quest can help you speed data product delivery or tackle other data initiatives. Contact us today.