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Quantifying the Value of Your Organization’s Data

Quantifying the Value of Your Organization’s Data

Data valuation is the foundation for treating your data as a strategic asset. It can make it easier for all data consumers across your organization to discover and put high-value data to use and lays the groundwork for data monetization and other related strategic initiatives.

Take a look at this intro to data valuation primer by Douglas B. Laney, a leading data, analytics and AI strategist and acclaimed author of Infonomics and Data Juice, to learn:

  • Why data valuation is crucial and its actionable outcomes
  • Methods to measure the value of data
  • 3 practical steps you can take to get started

erwin Data Marketplace by Quest gives organizations the tools to automate data value scoring to make high-value, trusted data products and AI models more easily recognizable and available across your organization. Request a demo today.
Quantifying the Value of Your Organization’s Data

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